Meeting Notes June onwards.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Webmaster has not been able to attend meetings since April 2022 so there will be no reports for the time being.  Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

Howver, the June meeting – Felting workshop was a success and most memebers managed to make a felt necklace. 

There is no August meeting.

September – normal schedule is resumed with a brand new program to be announced soon. 

Lyn Leventhall

Currently - webmaster for Bookham Machine Knitting Club. Previous roles - webmaster and technical support for INCE Europes "Wind Turbine Noise" conferences and "Low Frequency" Noise conferences. Formerly; e-learning researcher and lecturer at Kingston University in Maths and Computing. e-learning support at Imperial College IT support at University College of the Arts Lecturer in mathematics at Kingston University Computer officer at Chelsea College of Science an Technology, University of London. Dynamics Engineer at British Aerospace. Qualifications: BSc Mathematics (London) MSc Computer Graphics