These notes are from April who demonstrated this technique in the meeting October 2015
To set spiralling cords into a seam, you need to knit cords a little
longer than the seam and start at one end with the beginning of the
Place the first side of the knitting onto the needle bed by picking up
stitches with a triple transfer tool (ttt).
Using a ttt pick up 3 stitches from each of the cords and place them
on top of each other on the left hand end of the knitting. Then pick
up 3 sets from each cord in turn by going behind the cords and picking
up 1st then 2nd and then 3rd cord. Keep the spiral going by working
from behind each time.
When you reach the end fasten each cord on top of the previous one using ttt.
If you have surplus cord you can unpick the end and fasten the sets by
threading the yarn through the open sts.
Place the right side of the second piece of fabric to the machine,
pick up edge evenly along the seam. *Using a matching length of yarn
cast of manually by pulling the needle forward with all the fabrics
and cords behind the latch, place the yarn in the hook manually, and
knit all layers together by placing the thumb on the needle butt and
pushing back.*
Repeat from * to * until all stitches have been cast off.