October 2018 Meeting

Christmas Ideas

This was a regular club night with members bringing along ideas, patterns and items made for Christmas.

These are some of the interesting items brought by members.  Many of them were tree decorations, except a festive tea cosy and a pretty little basket which had been stiffened with dilute PVA glue to make it stand up.

In addition, most people brought some patterns or old magazines with Christmas ideas.

Here are some links Margaret found to various sites with some of these small projects.

Santa ornament:

Small gift basket

Wreath Ornament:
I think there is an error on this pattern and it should be:  On the 
second row at tension 3 it should read knit 2 rows (not 1 row).

Crochet Star Garland

Images of Christmas Tree Skirts:

Show and tell

Gillian had made an octopus cuddle toy for a premature baby charity – the tentacles can be grasped by even the tiny babies and are requested by premature baby units.  It was hand knitted and the tentacles crocheted.

Octopus for Premature Babies

Show Report

On 6th October, Lyn had visited the Machine Knitting Live Show in Bournemouth and reported that it did not seem all that well attended at least in the morning. She did not stay for the fashion show or talk later in the day.

She had been round stalls selling machine spares, machines,  yarns and patterns and a demonstration by Bill King, plus several clubs had displays of work.  Many of them were regulars at this show.

There seemed fewer stalls than she remembered from previous occasions which may have been something to do with the fact the Knitting and Stitching show at Alexandra Palace was taking place soon after, although this no longer has machine knitting.

knitted curly fringe

September 2018 Meeting

Designer Evening

This is the start of the new programme,  so check the programme section of the website to see what is coming up in the months ahead, there are old favourites like the Party in December – what a great time we had last year – and new ideas – designer evenings where we choose a designer or well- known machine knitter and look at their ideas doing demos of aspects of their work.

This month we concentrated on the excellent videos created by Diana Sullivan in Austin Texas.  She has put online, using Youtube, the most comprehensive set of teaching videos which are also the most user-friendly.

Firstly the notices:  

  • the Machine Knitting Live in Bournemouth on the Saturday 6th October,
  • the main London Knitting and Stitching show at Alexander Palace. 
    11th – 14th October 2018  
  • Next month we need to bring our cheque books to pay our half-yearly club subscriptions.
  • Margaret is setting up a Charity Knitting group with the U3A, is will be hand knitting, initially. The first meeting is on 22nd October – contact her if you intend to go along.

The show and tell this month demonstrated that some people knitted through the extremely hot weather earlier in the summer.


Small Child’s mittens 

Gillian has hand knitted some items for small children, these mittens were tiny.

Childs Hat and Mittens

This is another of Gillian’s makes, a small warm hat and one of a pair of mitts.

Crochet Basket in T shirt yarn and little heart – Dawn

Dawn has been making a crochet basket from some t-shirt yarn and a sweet little crochet heart.

Angie’s modelling her poncho

Angie has designed and made a super poncho in the most unusal colourway.

Lovely Poncho

Child’s Jumper – work in progress

Barbara brought the jumper she was working on for a charity – a child’s fairlisle jumper, just the sewing up to do now.

After the brilliant show and tell, we had our usual tea and coffee break, with cake of course. 

Tricia’s cake – nearly gone

The rest of the evening was taken up with demonstrations by committee members of various interesting ideas by Diana Sullivan.

Dragonfly Stitch

Dragonfly Stitch – demonstrate by Gill.

knitted curly fringe
Curly Fringe demo – Margaret

A curly fringe,  demonstrated by Margaret.

Demo of shell stitch Margaret

Margaret demonstrating Shell Stitch

Cabled edge - yellow sample
yellow sample including cabled edge

Frances demonstrated  a cabled edge.

Photo to follow

Lyn demonstrated a fold over edging.

July 2018 Meeting

This month was a lovely club evening.  To start, as we had made some scarves and other items for charity,  Gill, our chairwoman, suggested we talked about our items. The aim was to use up some yarn from our stash by stranding together or knitting in stripes or just plain colours to use up yarn left over from other projects.

Previously Margaret had demonstrated a non-roll edging which was useful for single bed stocking stitch scarves. There were a range of techniques used, ribbing, tuck. tuck lace, garter stitch as well as stocking stitch.  edges and fringes were added to some. In addition to the scarves,  a hat and some dolls were also made.  All these will be donated to the charity Knit for Peace.


In addition, some items were given in for a Christmas stall which Gillian is running in support of the Hospital Kidney Unit.

We followed this with a show and tell where some members had brought along their recently made items and discussed them.  There were some lovely yellow bed socks from Barbara, a sweet little tank top for a panda toy from Tricia, an interesting knitted cactus from Gill, April had a pretty child’s blue dress with a cable motif plus a nice cone- ends child’s cardigan with bands of different colours and two lovely sleeveless dresses from Angie. What a talented bunch of knitters we have in our club. (Sorry no photos as they were packed away before I had time to take any.)

After this, we had a Hints and Tips discussion where members had brought along their favourite hints or tips and we all found out about something we hadn’t known before. A list will be available shortly on this website. The discussion that followed made for a very interesting evening.  

There were two demonstrations – April brought along her homemade blocking board and a steam iron to show us how she steamed the edge of a tuck stitch baby blanket, Margaret set up a machine to demonstrate a method of unravelling several rows easily using the Garter bar retaining piece to hold the needle still in Hold position.  Nobody had seen this before and we were very interested in how quickly and easily you could undo rows without dropping stitches.




June 2018 Meeting

The start of the meeting was dedicated to a discussion of the 2017 entry for the Sherbourne Vase which we won.  Only recently did we get back the entry after it had been exhibited by the Guild at shows it attended.

We also discussed the 2018 entry which got a Highly Commended.  It was a set of 3 cushion covers on the theme of the nursery story of the Three Bears. A larger group worked on it than the three who worked on the 2017 lap blanket.

This part of the meeting was followed by a demonstration on Intarsia by April, who explained in an easy to follow way how to achieve a good result, she used an Intarsia carriage on the club punch card brother machine and explained the alternatives for newer electronic machines which have Intarsia build into the main carriage.

Yarn break setup

She also demonstrated the weights that came with the Intarsia carriage that attached through the yarn which puts the yarn under tension.



Each section of colour on the work needs a separately wound ball of yarn this can then be weighted.


Next month we will be having a Hints and Tips evening, members were asked to think of a useful hint or tip and we will be listening to all of these hoping to learn something new or useful. In addition, we are collecting scarves made by members for the Knit for Peace charity.




May 2018 Meeting

We had a wonderful talk from Jools Elphick who brought along a large range of her knitted hats.  She entertained us with a history of her work intertwined with anecdotes about her life.  Having started making garments she moved by degrees into hats and her designs are widely sought after by high-end retailers both in the US and the USA. She is now looking to explore some new areas of knitting.

Talking about all the hats she has made

Image 1 of 4

Bookham Knitting Club talk may 2018

Some of the hats were modelled by one of our members and the came to life once on the head, the intricate structure that made them look so great was explained. And we had the opportunity to examine them in detail after the talk.


We would like to thank Jools for making such an enjoyable evening and also Sarah who modelled the hats.

April 2018 Meeting and AGM

After the usual formalities of the AGM where the current committee was re-elected and Clare was co-opted onto the committee there was a show and tell where we showed off the small items we had made using various cone ends. 

The evenings subject was making a scarf with non-roll edges, Margaret and Frances demonstrated the technique for those who had forgotten, and this was a starting point for us all to do 20 rows on this scarf.  It is hoped that everyone will make a scarf using their cone ends for the Knit for Peace charity. We will be collecting the scarves later in the year.



March 2018 Meeting

There were two themes to the club meeting this month:

  1. A continuation of last months meeting on cone ends.
  2. A look at other crafts our members indulge in.

First, we had a round-up of the other craft work some of the members brought it, it varied from beading, hand knitting and crochet to bag making with painting and sketching, quilting and card making with variations on these as well. Members showed us which crafts in the display were theirs and talks briefly about them.

Many members hand knit which complements their machine knitting. Others have taken up a variety of other crafts.

(ed: the slide shows takes ages to load, please be patient.  Also click the image to move to the next one)

After this, we returned to the cone ends topic and looked around at all the items brought in, most people had created items from their stash and also a range of patterns were available for using up the left-overs that inevitably occur when using coned yarn.  There were pretty gloves and scarves, as well as tiny items, stuffed animals and toys. Some were machine knitted, others hand knitted or crocheted.  

Finally, Margaret repeated last month’s demonstration but this time with smooth yarn which showed clearly the difference between using yarn simply run together onto the machine, yarn wound using a standard winder and 2 methods of twisting – using a  hand or machine operated yarn twister and using a cone stack which is not as effective as the yarn twister and much more of a fiddle to use.  The cone stack can be mimicked by placing cones on an old-fashioned tiered saucepan stand, there are manual and electric yarn twisters available.


(ed: Apologies to those whose work does not appear – not all the photos were clear enough to display)

hats and gloves

February 2018 Meeting

Ideas for using Cone Ends

Gill started the evening with notices – Kingston Hospital (Surrey) has asked us to knit some breasts to aid midwives who are demonstrating breastfeeding. Those who watch the Call the Midwife series on the BBC may have noticed them in their clinic using similar aids.  The pattern is for hand knit only,  email Gill or Lyn for a copy of the pattern.  Margaret, who has already made several ready to send off, said that they were quite tricky to knit unless you used small circular needles as the increasing and decreasing was hard on the hands. Please note these are not the same as the prosthetics created for breast cancer patients, there are a number of patterns for both hand and machine available elsewhere for those.

There was also a list of events:

  • the Bournemouth Machine knitting show on Saturday 3rd March
  • The Olympia Knit and Stitch show 1-3 March
  • Unravel 16-18 February at Farnham Maltings

We continued the meeting with a show and tell.  Several members showed off their creations, see photos below and then we got into groups to look at the samples,  patterns and ideas everyone had for using up the cone ends at the end of this we came together to share ideas.

Show and tell

Cone Ends Examples

The other theme this evening was to use several yarns together to create a new yarn, often suitable for use on a chunky machine.  Various techniques were demonstrated:

  • Running yarns directly through a multi-way yarn mast
  • Winding several yarns together on a standard cone winder
  • Use of a yarn stack where the bottom yarns are run up the centre of the ones above. 
  • Using yarn twisted to create a brand new yarn from several thinner ones.

The club has its own electric yarn twister and one of the members brought a manual one and a yarn stack. 

Margaret demonstrated how these were different when knitted up – the first two showed “rivers of colour”, an uneven distribution of the yarn colours.  The twisted yarn was clearly better but the yarn stack although a little awkward to use with smaller cones, also distributed the colours well.

One member mentioned she had simulated a yarn stack using a tiered vegetable rack and magazines from the 1980’s showed people who used old style saucepan stands for the same purpose.

Finally, Frances demonstrated how to plate both plain and patterned using tuck stitch, she also showed us samples of ribber plating.  You can use either a thick and a thin yarn or two yarns of similar weight.  Together the yarns should add up to no more than the maximum your machine will handle – e.g. 4-ply / light double knitting.

The next meeting will be about other crafts that the members are interested in and also the theme from this meeting will continue,  looking at some of the patterns people brought in as there was not enough time for everything.



January 2018 Meeting

Preparing for the talks on the City and Guild course

This month we had all the members who had done the City and Guilds Machine Knitting courses in the past talk about their experiences.  In addition, several members who had attended other courses showed us their work.

Interestingly many of the speakers had started these course when they had young children.  Clearly, they had worked hard in the early mornings and late into the night when their little ones were sleeping. For this alone they deserve our admiration.

April’s City and Guilds projects

April started and told us about the process of designing and how they were taught to draw.  She showed us images of where the ideas started and how they progressed through sampling colours and patterns to the garment construction.

Angie followed this – they had attended the same course – showing how her ideas were created from a fish. Similarly creating the patterns and choosing the colours, eventually putting it together to create a lovely bedspread/throw.

Margaret was next and she had gone on to City and Guild’s machine knitting from a broader art and design course, developing her ideas and designs.

Then Ann brought along the work created by our late member Marion, who had also been on the course with Angie and April.  Ann also showed us some of the items she had made after having been on courses in the past.

Anu told us of her experience having done this course straight from college. She had spent time developing a business on the back of this.

Finally, Anthea showed us all the samples and colours she had used to create one of her Evolution Jackets from the famous Iris Bishop pattern.  We look forward to seeing the finished garment.